Welcome to my blog! I'm going to be using it almost like an artistic journal. I'll be posting new work, sketches, scribbles, and finished pieces. All the work is solely mine unless specified. So stick around, I can guarantee a journey. Comments are welcomed.

You can visit my website and online portfolio at:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome To My Blog!!

So, I'm new to the whole blog thing, but while I'm working on my website I thought it would be fun to create an art blog. Ill try and post things I'm working on every now and then. Any feedback or comments are welcome.

          This first piece is a poster I designed and illustrated in my Poster Illustration class this past week. Its not a piece that reflects my work as a whole, but I had a lot of fun creating such a graphic image. Its for the movie "Machete", which if you have not already seen is absolutely hilarious and I was really surprised with the star-studded cast. I tried to keep things fairly simple to really grab your attention. The original piece is 20x30 printed, so its pretty big. Here it is a bit smaller for you to view. Once I get the website up and going I'll be able to provide links for better images.
                                     ---CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE---


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